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Steam Iron Reviews

This busy woman is reading my steam iron reviews right now!Why did I decide to create a site for my own steam iron reviews?

After years of handling the ironing duties in my house, I’ve learned that not all steam irons are created equal.

I have also learned that what I consider to be must-have features in a steam iron are not always prioritized by others.

Life Unwrinkled is a place where I publish my research to share with others.

A good steam iron is an incredibly valuable tool. It helps us look our best. It helps us stand out and get ahead.

Most people who use them seem to fall into two categories: busy professionals, and busier moms! I personally think that everyone should use them, especially if you do your own laundry which most of us do.

Right out of college, I was on a tight budget, as most grads are. I couldn’t depend on the local dry cleaner as my parents do. I had to learn how to iron my own clothes to save money. And I learned that I actually like ironing!

I have continued to do it myself even if my budget could handle a bigger dry cleaning bill. Not only do I control the quality, but with the invention of the PVR I can also use my ironing chores as an excuse to catch up on my favorite TV shows.

How My Steam Iron Reviews can Help You:

Over the years, I have gone through several irons, and to some extent, they all have a shelf-life. Some were absolutely fabulous until they broke down after only a few months of use; others were mediocre at their job and I replaced them out of frustration.

I’ve gone through cheap steam irons and their pricey counterparts. Through my experiences, I learned that sometimes the price tag does not guarantee performance or longevity.

There are great steam irons that are affordable, and there are some more expensive models that are worth little more than a hefty price tag. Differences like these made me think that a site full of steam iron reviews could be a very valuable resource. Even if the average person thinks it’s a bit of a dull topic!

There are so many features that you can choose from. I’ve learned from friends that everyone has a personal preference. Fortunately, the features available today are plentiful! From cordless to self-cleaning to titanium-coated non-stick surfaces, finding features important to your ironing needs is easy, but sometimes completely unnecessary!

If you read my about page, you’ll learn that I have a bit of a passion for small appliances. I absolutely adore researching a product before I buy. Actually, if you ask my husband, he wouldn’t say it’s my passion, he would tell you (probably in great detail with arms flailing) that the correct term would be “obsession”.

LifeUnwrinkled: My Personal Steam Iron Reviews

The purpose of my steam iron reviews are to share my obsession. I’ll walk you through each model in detail and point out important things like overall performance, important features, common problems, warranties and customer service levels. I’ll also direct you to price and feature comparisons so you know what you can expect when shopping for your next steam iron.

And new for 2017: I am now buying and personally using each iron I review. I decided to do this because I want my steam iron reviews to be as thorough as possible. I even keep every steam iron I review, so questions you may have! I’ll do my best to answer them right in each review.

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